When to Use Gravity Conveyor vs. Powered Conveyor for Pallet Transport



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Answer These Two Questions to Choose Gravity Conveyor or Powered Conveyor for Your Application

Non-powered gravity conveyor can be an economical pallet transport tool for the correct application, but it is not designed for every situation. Some of the reasons to consider gravity conveyors, or gravity-fed pallet flow lanes, are that it’s easy to use, don’t require the cost of or connection to electricity, and it’s less expensive than a powered conveyor lane. All good reasons to choose gravity! We agree… up until a point.

If you’re considering gravity conveyor for pallet transportation vs. pallet storage, then you need to ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is my pallet frequency?
  2. What is my intended functionality?

Pallet Transportation – All Aboard!

What is my pallet frequency?

Specifically, consider the rate of transporting pallets per hour/per day vs. pallets per week. Pallet flow rails are not designed to run 24 hours a day, every day. In other words, it is a storage tool that can be used for transport. If you’re running pallets all day on the rails, you will run into issues with wear and tear on the equipment, such as speed controllers, and if it is a push-assisted design, you will likely encounter worker strain issues as well.

Video - Mallard ManufacturingWhat is my intended functionality?

How deep (or long) is the pallet flow lane you’re considering? Long gravity flow lanes need a significant slope to keep pallets flowing without worker strain. Now, if you’re lucky enough to have a sloped floor (see video), we can design a lane with just enough pitch to let gravity go to work; however, note that the pallet extraction height is then several feet high — does that work with your application? It’s something to consider.


  • How much?
  • How far?
  • How often?

Additionally, pallet load weights are a consideration. Lightweight pallets over a shorter distance and daily vs. hourly frequency is a practical application for gravity conveyors. 

Conversely, long runs with multiple heavy pallets per hour are better suited for powered conveyor lines. For example, a 50’ run with 2000lb pallets is likely a powered conveyor application, particularly when you move 5-10 pallets per hour vs. lightweight pallets per day or week.

Floor mount skatewheel - Mallard Manufacturing

Floor-Mounted Flow Lanes

Sloped Floor - Mallard Manufacturing

Gravity Conveyor on Sloped Floor

Harness the Power of Gravity

The Mallard team is here to help you match your application with the right solution… even if it’s not something from our product line. Powered conveyor is the right tool for the job sometimes, just like gravity conveyor is the more cost-effective solution sometimes, it’s all needs dependant.

So, don’t be in need. Call our team, and let’s find the best product for your warehouse challenge.  

Skate Push Systems - Mallard Manufacturing

Push-Assisted Skate Wheel Rails

Staging Lane - Mallard Manufacturing

Full Roller Pallet Staging


For More Information – Dig a little deeper into floor-mounted vs. push-assisted pallet flow rack applications: Floor-Mounted Pallet Flow and Push-Assisted Flow Systems.